EA Decaf- Colombian
We've been looking for a decaf coffee that we can drink with a clean conscience and clean of toxins. We discovered ethyl acetate (sugar cane) decaf and finally discovered a decaf coffee we can savor and enjoy all day long.
Roast Level: Medium
Processing: Washed
Region: Cauca
Acidity: Mild
Elevation: 1,500 – 2,100meters
Brewing suggestion: Filter (pour over, french press, drip, etc) or espresso.
Enjoy day or night without fear of being up all night and day.
Processed with ethyl acetate, (a sweet-smelling organic compound derived from sugar cane created during fermentation) this bean originates from the Andean region’s only decaffeination plant, Descafecol. The plant relies on pure water from the Navado el Ris (a snow-capped volcano resting on the border of Caldas and Tolima) and natural ethyl acetate from sugar cane plants in Palmira, Colombia.